Friday 11 May 2012

Blast from my teen tv past

So I'm watching Roswell. Don't judge me, it really, really sucks and I'm judging myself enough already. Mostly for the fact that I own all 3 box sets.

I loved this programme as a teenager and I'm ashamed to say that I'm getting re-addicted to it as I type.

It really puts things into perspective. I mean, how bad can my problems really be - I'm not an alien hiding from the government while going through the usual teenage drama.

I'm going to switch my brain off, drink my glass of super-chilled rose and take a trip down memory lane.

Animals At Rest

This is one of those things that could go one of two ways. First way is making me sound like a genius. An eccentric one but a genius nonetheless. The second way is making me seem like a complete and utter eedjit. This is the most likely option but at least you're pre-warned. See how kind I am?

On to the blof for today. On my way home, we travel pretty much the entire length of the M69 and there's a lot of fields (really, there's loads) along the side of there and in these fields are some of the most adorable alpacas known to humankind

See, they're freaking adorable. 

Also, there are the obligatory sheep, cows and horses. There's even a goat. Just one (again, weird).

Anyway, today I saw a cow and multiple alpacas lying down. This is weird because when they're 'lying down' they don't look like they're lying down. They look like they're sitting up and it freaked me out. 

Weird, right? 

I always associate lying down with being on my side. I sleep curled up on my side and find it extremely weird when people (or animals. Especially animals) don't. So are they, in fact, lying down or are they just having a sit down? Putting their hooves up and having a metaphorical cuppa to take a break from the hard task of standing up and eating all day? This also makes me wonder how farm animals sleep? If the above images are them putting their hooves up for a break then how do they look when they're curled up in their animal beds with their animal duvets and fluffy pillows?

According to Google images, cows look like this:

And sleeping alpacas like this:

I guess Google images has answered my question for me and also made me realise that at least half of the cows and alpacas along the M69 are the type to spend the day sitting down watching Jeremy Kyle, drinking tea and eating biscuits.  

That's all. Definitely leaning towards the eedjit side of the coin. I'm just going to pour myself a lovely cold glass of wine and watch some tv. Or knit or something.

Bye folks

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Inspiration Time

I met a man today who'd had a car accident where he'd received something like 84 fractures down the right side of his body, he'd spent two weeks in an induced coma during which his family was told he had less than a 1% chance of making it. He then spent a year learning to walk and talk again and now he's thinking of running a half marathon. He has such a positive outlook on life and is generally lovely. This man is my new idol.

That's all I wanted to say. On a day where I could cheerfully beat the gremlins tunnelling away in my head to death and am having end of tax year stresses to drive me crackers, this gave me some perspective.