Thursday 14 November 2013

I am an awful, awful person

To be honest, I think the title of this sums up the entire post.

I am a horrible person. I keep promising to do the London post and I keep failing. Just to clear things up - this is still not the London post. I'm a failbunny. I will totally admit that.

This post is a summation of the junk that has been happening to me to make me forget the London post. First there was the inevitable post-holiday slump where doing anything that isn't sightseeing is exhausting. This totally includes breathing and being awake. Then there was the high blood pressure thing.

The blood pressure thing started when I went to the doctors with a rampant chest infection. It turned out he was about 5% concerned with making me able to breathe again and 95% checking my blood pressure 13 (I am so not exaggerating here) times. He made me see another doctor who put me on a waiting list for a 24 hour bp monitor.

Four weeks later, said monitor is attached but only for 13 hours (random but yay!). Said monitor then went on to die somewhere around hour 10. Such is my life. I go to take the monitor back the next day and the nurse tells me she'll get back to me. Three hours later, I get a call asking me to go in for an ECG because my bp is higher than they like and they want to figure out why. Sigh. I also found out I had to go to the hospital the next morning for blood tests on basically anything they can check on a blood test. Double sigh.

I'm now waiting (with blood test bruise and 10 hours of blood pressure checks bruised arm) for the results to come in. This should be sometime Monday but because I work ridiculously far away from home, I have to wait until Saturday to get in to see them. Triple sigh. And an eye roll. I've seriously rolled my eyes so many times in the past three days that I'm legit worried about straining them.

Other than this, I've also had a birthday and a bit of a social life - quiz night with the girls and a meal and cocktails with an old  school friend. For me, this is a busy social life. I'm quite proud of myself to going out twice in 2 weeks. Yay me!

Much love, QoS

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