Sunday 9 February 2014

Soundtracking Across the Universe

I've had death lurg for the past week and a migraine for the past five days and I am shamelessly using this as an excuse for not updating in ages. I'm ill *cough cough* so you can't bitch at me. Not that anyone actually reads this anyway but you know what I mean. Anyway, today I'm feeling a little less like a sack of crap so I thought I'd say hi and give you some awesome music to listen to. I'm only going with soundtracks that I actually own because going through my entire musical collection would take forever.

First up today is Waltz for John and Mary from Sherlock's season three episode The Sign of Three. It's a beautiful piece and it's one of the best moments in Sherlock so listen and enjoy.

Next up is Cloud Atlas Sextet for Orchestra from, well, Cloud Atlas. It's amazing and never fails to give me Frobisher feels. 

I'm totally going the Les Mis route now because as much as I was ambivalent to it the first time I saw it, I now love it. Here are some of my favourites:
I Dreamed A Dream - Anne Hathaway is awesome 
On My Own
One Day More 
Do You Hear The People Sing?
Bring Him Home

I can't talk about musicals without mentioning Once More, With Feeling - one of my favourite Buffy episodes. 
I'll Never Tell 
Rest In Peace 
Standing/Under Your Spell 
What You Feel
Walk Through The Fire 
Something To Sing About  
Where Do We Go From Here? 

I cannot forget Pitch Perfect which was hilarious and had awesome music - a perfect combination in my opinion.
Riff Off - Go from about 40 seconds in.
Treblemakers Finals
Bellas Finals

Next up is RENT, which will take a while because the whole film is perfect
Seasons of Love
Tango Maureen
I'll Cover You
La Vie Boheme A & B
Take Me Or Leave Me
I'll Cover You (Reprise)

After that reprise, I need a perk up so I'm not ending this with tears so here's
Pacific Rim Theme

Hope you've enjoyed at least some of these and even if no-one actually looks at this, I've enjoyed putting it together.

Much love, QoS

Saturday 4 January 2014

More awesome tuneage, SherlockLives! and a Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year, awesome nerds. Hope you're all recovered from whatever madness you got up to on NYE. I was a major party animal - I went to the flicks to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire (awesome - made me laugh and cry and hop around in my seat like I had ants in my pants) then I went home, had a bottle of cider and fell asleep at 10:30. Don't you wish you could keep up with my partying antics??? You know you do.

Sherlock season three appeared - fucking finally! I started watching Sherlock a couple of months after S2 finished so my wait hasn't been quite as long but anyone who has waited the full time should be sainted! It fucking snowed in Egypt before we got S3. Anyway, Sherlock is still a dick, John has shaved off that ridiculous face fur and Mary is way more awesome than I expected. Good times.

Now for the tuneage: I was planning on just using one song but I'm feeling musical today so I'm going for three (hopefully I'll keep it to three, anyway)

First up is Demons by Imagine Dragons because I can't stop listening to their Night Visions album.
Next is Mistaken for Strangers by The National. I've never really listened to their music before but something about this just clicked for me.
Last, but not least, is Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft Mary Lambert. Again, not my usual thing but it spoke to me (also, Mary Lambert has the voice of an angel).

Much love, QoS