Thursday 12 September 2013

Back again...

Hello again universe. It's been a while since I've done anything with this blog. Partly because I read back over the majority of what I'd wrote and shuddered and partly because I couldn't remember the email address or password to log in and change it. I thought about scrapping it completely and starting again but it took me so long to get this just how I wanted that to start again made my brain weep in agony. Fair point, brain - I'm lazy as hell, too.

On my first blog post, I listed a bunch of things I could be ranting, raving or just being boring about but some of those have changed so I'm going to have a play around with it until it reflects the sort of junk I whine about on a daily basis. The original list will be in the usual colour which, if my memory serves correctly (not sodding likely) is a purpley sort of colour and the new version will be green, for contrast.

Things I rant/rave/bore people stupid about on a daily basis

Pacific Rim
Teen Wolf
Avengers (or just Marvel movies of any description)
Harry Potter (not sure why I forgot this last time)
Star Trek (or this)
Doctor Who
Formula 1
Glee This has been moved down the list because the newer seasons suck. Has only retained a place on here because of Kurt, Finn, Santana and Adam. Everyone else can suck my non-existent dick.
Vampire Diaries (I have to be in the mood but when I am I watch it continuously) 
I love a massive variety of music which you'll probably read about at some point.
Socks. The brighter and more patterned, the better. Socks are love, remember that.
Chocolate. Need I say more?
Pretty dresses. Worn with my lovely grey combat-y style boots. (RIP grey combat-y style boots. Long live black combat-y style studded boots!)
Bags. Not just gorgeous handbags (of which I seem to have a bajillion) but backpacks and completely impractical purse sized affairs that I squeeze my phone and some money in when I go out. 

There are so many more things that will probably turn up at some point that I haven't mentioned but, meh, I'm sure you'll survive. If there's anyone who is even reading this. Probably not. Oh, well. 

Much love, QoS

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