Tuesday 24 September 2013

Millionaire's Shortbread, I presume?

I love to bake. It's seriously one of my favourite things and if I could figure out a way to start my own business without risking everything, I totally would. I'm thinking a kind of retro tea shop with a built in quirky book shop and I'm dreaming when I'm supposed to be working. Oh well. On second glance, it's seven minutes past my finishing time so I'm freeeeeee!

Anyway, the point of this was to impart my recipe for Millionaire's Shortbread because it's the one thing I make that I always know everyone will love. Even people who don't like desserts love this bad boy so here goes:

9" x 9" baking tray or throwaway foil tray (I tend to go with the throwaway option because it's easier to get out of the tin when the caramel has stuck to the sides. Also, no need to grease it which makes it healthier. Or as healthy as a shortbread/caramel/chocolate concoction can be)

Preheat oven to gas 5 or whatever degrees that is in your oven (190C/375F - thank you, Google)

Shortbread base
125g cold butter cut into small chunks
175g plain flour
50g light brown sugar (you can use dark brown if that's what you have)

Rub together flour and butter until fully combined and looking like buttery breadcrumbs. If there's a few lumps, it's not the end of the world.
Sieve in sugar to get rid of any lumps then stir into flour/butter.
Mix it all up until it becomes a ball of doughy goodness.
Press mixture into tin, making sure it's right up in the corners and spread evenly.
Grab a fork and stab some holes in to prevent air bubbles
Put in oven for 20 mins - when cooked, the edges will just be golden brown.
Remove from oven and leave to cool
When base is cool, start the

Caramel middle

50g dark brown sugar (again, if you don't want to buy another sugar, you can use light brown)
50g butter
1 tin of condensed milk

Put ingredients in a pan, medium heat, mix together and do not under any circumstances stop stirring until it starts to bubble. When this happens, time 5 minutes and stir like your favourite actor will vanish from the planet if you stop. Seriously, do not stop stirring like a maniac for these 5 minutes.
When the five minutes are up, pour over base. Make sure you get an even covering.
Leave to cool.

Chocolate top

200g (ish) milk chocolate (don't use less than 180gish or it won't be enough to cover)

Melt in a dish over a pan of simmering water. When fully melted, pour over caramel. Make sure to cover completely and evenly.

I'll add pictures next time I make some so you can see how perfectly neat (ha!) mine turns out. It usually looks like my 3 year old niece did it but it tastes good so what does that matter?

Much love from the QoS x

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