Friday 4 October 2013

London Calling

I'm off to London on Monday for a week of sightseeing with little sis' (who is 15 months younger and 4 inches taller than me but meh, details). I've only been to London for odd little day or two day trips in the past and they've all been for a specific reason - killing time before getting the Eurostar to Paris, visiting the British or Natural History or Science museum. I live such a thrilling life.

This time, though, we're seeing all the cheesy tourist crap that you usually skip because it's your country and you're not a tourist. I have a list somewhere but as I'm at work and without my comic book pad, I can't really remember all of it.

Anyway, if you happen to be in London next week and you see a short girl with dark curly hair, a dress and combat boots, taking pictures of anything and everything - give her a wave. If she looks confused and asks the taller redhead with her who the fuck is waving at her, it's probably me. This would probably mean more if anyone other than me actually read this. Sigh.

Much love, QoS

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