Sunday 9 February 2014

Soundtracking Across the Universe

I've had death lurg for the past week and a migraine for the past five days and I am shamelessly using this as an excuse for not updating in ages. I'm ill *cough cough* so you can't bitch at me. Not that anyone actually reads this anyway but you know what I mean. Anyway, today I'm feeling a little less like a sack of crap so I thought I'd say hi and give you some awesome music to listen to. I'm only going with soundtracks that I actually own because going through my entire musical collection would take forever.

First up today is Waltz for John and Mary from Sherlock's season three episode The Sign of Three. It's a beautiful piece and it's one of the best moments in Sherlock so listen and enjoy.

Next up is Cloud Atlas Sextet for Orchestra from, well, Cloud Atlas. It's amazing and never fails to give me Frobisher feels. 

I'm totally going the Les Mis route now because as much as I was ambivalent to it the first time I saw it, I now love it. Here are some of my favourites:
I Dreamed A Dream - Anne Hathaway is awesome 
On My Own
One Day More 
Do You Hear The People Sing?
Bring Him Home

I can't talk about musicals without mentioning Once More, With Feeling - one of my favourite Buffy episodes. 
I'll Never Tell 
Rest In Peace 
Standing/Under Your Spell 
What You Feel
Walk Through The Fire 
Something To Sing About  
Where Do We Go From Here? 

I cannot forget Pitch Perfect which was hilarious and had awesome music - a perfect combination in my opinion.
Riff Off - Go from about 40 seconds in.
Treblemakers Finals
Bellas Finals

Next up is RENT, which will take a while because the whole film is perfect
Seasons of Love
Tango Maureen
I'll Cover You
La Vie Boheme A & B
Take Me Or Leave Me
I'll Cover You (Reprise)

After that reprise, I need a perk up so I'm not ending this with tears so here's
Pacific Rim Theme

Hope you've enjoyed at least some of these and even if no-one actually looks at this, I've enjoyed putting it together.

Much love, QoS

Saturday 4 January 2014

More awesome tuneage, SherlockLives! and a Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year, awesome nerds. Hope you're all recovered from whatever madness you got up to on NYE. I was a major party animal - I went to the flicks to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire (awesome - made me laugh and cry and hop around in my seat like I had ants in my pants) then I went home, had a bottle of cider and fell asleep at 10:30. Don't you wish you could keep up with my partying antics??? You know you do.

Sherlock season three appeared - fucking finally! I started watching Sherlock a couple of months after S2 finished so my wait hasn't been quite as long but anyone who has waited the full time should be sainted! It fucking snowed in Egypt before we got S3. Anyway, Sherlock is still a dick, John has shaved off that ridiculous face fur and Mary is way more awesome than I expected. Good times.

Now for the tuneage: I was planning on just using one song but I'm feeling musical today so I'm going for three (hopefully I'll keep it to three, anyway)

First up is Demons by Imagine Dragons because I can't stop listening to their Night Visions album.
Next is Mistaken for Strangers by The National. I've never really listened to their music before but something about this just clicked for me.
Last, but not least, is Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft Mary Lambert. Again, not my usual thing but it spoke to me (also, Mary Lambert has the voice of an angel).

Much love, QoS

Friday 15 November 2013

Change of pace and awesome music. Good times.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I am a massive fan of fanfiction and, in particular, the works of WhoNatural. I love every single one of her works especially 'Linski's Late Night Antidote to Lame which re-introduced me to this song.

If you have any love at all for Teen Wolf and/or good music, then please go read this because the writing is 500 kinds of awesome, the characters are spot on and no matter how many times I re-read them, I still adore them.

I may become a fic-rec blog for a while. Consider yourselves warned!

Much love, QoS

Thursday 14 November 2013

I am an awful, awful person

To be honest, I think the title of this sums up the entire post.

I am a horrible person. I keep promising to do the London post and I keep failing. Just to clear things up - this is still not the London post. I'm a failbunny. I will totally admit that.

This post is a summation of the junk that has been happening to me to make me forget the London post. First there was the inevitable post-holiday slump where doing anything that isn't sightseeing is exhausting. This totally includes breathing and being awake. Then there was the high blood pressure thing.

The blood pressure thing started when I went to the doctors with a rampant chest infection. It turned out he was about 5% concerned with making me able to breathe again and 95% checking my blood pressure 13 (I am so not exaggerating here) times. He made me see another doctor who put me on a waiting list for a 24 hour bp monitor.

Four weeks later, said monitor is attached but only for 13 hours (random but yay!). Said monitor then went on to die somewhere around hour 10. Such is my life. I go to take the monitor back the next day and the nurse tells me she'll get back to me. Three hours later, I get a call asking me to go in for an ECG because my bp is higher than they like and they want to figure out why. Sigh. I also found out I had to go to the hospital the next morning for blood tests on basically anything they can check on a blood test. Double sigh.

I'm now waiting (with blood test bruise and 10 hours of blood pressure checks bruised arm) for the results to come in. This should be sometime Monday but because I work ridiculously far away from home, I have to wait until Saturday to get in to see them. Triple sigh. And an eye roll. I've seriously rolled my eyes so many times in the past three days that I'm legit worried about straining them.

Other than this, I've also had a birthday and a bit of a social life - quiz night with the girls and a meal and cocktails with an old  school friend. For me, this is a busy social life. I'm quite proud of myself to going out twice in 2 weeks. Yay me!

Much love, QoS

Thursday 24 October 2013

Memories I keep on my bookcases

This blof (dammit!) blog post does exactly what it says in the title: explores the things that are hidden on the  amongst my books. There are pictures and everything. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to do this and, to be brutally honest, I don't really care so if you don't want to read, feel free to come back for the extremely late London post that I promise I will get to eventually.

If you're still with me, here goes:

The guardian angel was brought for me when I was going through a bad time. The tarot box it's sitting on was brought by me because I was curious about tarot cards but didn't want to spend a lot on a nice deck in case it didn't interest me. By the time I'd realised it was actually really interesting, I'd grown strangely attached to this set and decided not to replace it.

The two sister things were brought for me by Sister when she went on holidays because even if we're on the same holiday, we still buy each other a present. It's a thing.

Harry Potter badges are totally self-explanatory because HP rocks hardcore. The fairy snowglobe was a present from Nan and Grandad (I'm pretty sure it was from Nan and Grandad :/) The perspex thing with the stag in just seemed to appear in my collection a while ago. I've no idea where it came from but as it had Prongs in, I decided to put it on the shelves.

Princess Piggy was a stocking filler from Goddess Among Women Auntie a few years ago. 


I've had these ladybug tissues for about 15 years (and that makes me feel ancient). I've kept them because they're adorbs and are called Sniff and I haven't seen them anywhere since.

My ID badge from my second (and favourite) job and the pin that I got for donating blood 10 times. Considering I'm fucking terrified of needles, that's a big achievement. 

Yet more awesomesauce HP pins. In case you were wondering I'm a Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw hybrid. I'm strangely proud of this.

I've got no idea where the duck came from but if you hit it on something it flashes and is, therefore, completely awesome. The Flubber was brought on a trip to Disney World in Florida and makes weird ninja noises when you smack it. 

This was a present from my lovely friend, A, when she went to Barbados one year. She knows I love pirates. She also brought rum cake. The rum cake didn't make it. It was both tragic and delicious. 

Giant badge that I was forced to wear on my 16th birthday. Thank fuck that I had the luck to be born during half term or school would've been fun that day. Some of my earliest concert/event tickets: 
  • Smash Hits Tour in Sheffield, 2000
  • One of the first football matches I remember attending - West Bromwich Albion v Queens Park Rangers, 3 days before my birthday; 
  • Westlife at the NEC, Birmingham, 2001
  • Westlife at the NEC, 2002
  • V Festival, Chelmsford one day pass that I won in 2005 - I went with friend, Steff and had an amazing time

Yet more tickets:
  • OK Go at the 02 Academy, Birmingham in 2010
  • Party in the Park at St. Andrews Stadium in 2002
  • Boyzone at the NEC Arena in 1996 (my first gig ever)
  • the filming of Gladiators at the NIA in 1996
  • ride ticket from when I went with Sister, Cousin the Younger and Cousin the Middle to Blackpool
  • Blackpool Tower ticket from when my awesome Mom overcome her fear of heights and walked over the 'Walk of Faith' glass floor with my friend, Denise.

Doctor Who stickers and Avengers badges. My inner geek is strong.

Collection of necklaces I've been given over the years, from left to right: ox pendant because in the Chinese zodiac, I'm a freaking ox; Egyptian cat pendant from the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery; dreamcatcher pendant that used to hang from my bedroom curtain rail before I got blinds; pentagram pendant that Sister gave me because she's awesome.

Avengers badges and Doctor Who badges. Geek is still going strong.

My voodoo doll collection. The one on the right was brought by my friend S, who brought it as an in-joke because our boss was an evil hellbeast and we'd joke about using it on her. The other two were leftovers from stocking fillers that I thought were kind of cute.

Table favour from Cousin the Oldest's wedding.

Various wristbands from Drayton Manor and V Festival. The Virgin Mobile one was our entry into the VIP area. Good times and much free alcohol were had there.

A picture of my Mom holding me while I was in hospital with Whooping Cough. I was only a couple of months old here and in isolation a lot of the time. This, and the raging case of Rubella I had, is the reason there are a lot of baby pictures of me. 

Leaflets and postcard from my trip to Paris. Also, ticket to Renault World Cup at Silverstone. Yep, I'm a speed freak as well as a monster geek. I'm allowed to have layers. Don't judge me. 

Previous photo but with added postcards.

Guide map to the Louvre. We spent a day here and still didn't see even half of it. I guess that's where going with 3 ex Art students is a downside. I'm a 'I like it, it makes me feel (insert emotion here)' or 'Nope. Soooo much nope. It's just not working for me' kind of art appreciator. They're more analyse everything about the painting kind of people and I just do not have time for that. 

Postcards and guidebooks from recent London trip (I swear, I will get around to finishing that post). The M&M's pad was a gift from my sister from M&M's World in Leicester Square. Did you know you can't take pictures in Westminster Abbey? I had to buy postcards and a guidebook so my Nan would have something to ooh and ahh over. 

Tickets from our 3hr Thames cruise from Westminster to Greenwich and back, Westminster Abbey, various underground tickets and our train tickets to London and back. Also, receipt for eye-wateringly expensive bag for Nan from Harrods and a tube map.

My prefect tie from Britannia High School. My regular tie was adopted by Sister who set fire to it on her last day. Some people just do not understand the concept of nostalgia. The regular tie was black where this is blue and fitted much better with our black uniform. The beads were from a stranger at the Kerrang tour at the old Carling Academy in Birmingham. She walked past, said I had a beautiful soul and handed me these. I kept them as a reminder that people are strange and sometimes lovely for no reason.

Oh god, these were the result of having one beer after taking co-codamol for a knackered back before Nan H's 60th birthday. These were part of the decoration on the buffet trays and I started hoarding them and texting my Mom at home about how people were trying to steal them and I was going to have to ninja them away to save them. 

This is Jose the sea turtle. I brought him last year while I was on holiday with Dad, Stepmom and Sister in Mallorca. I was so pleased when he made it back in one piece. I was having stoned airplane dreams about finding him decapitated when I opened my case. (They were stoned dreams because I'm absolutely terrified of flying and had to dose myself with an anti-anxiety med to avoid a panic attack - the downside was me being off my face and telling my Dad that the car was making weird noises)

A cute witch that Sister brought me in Mallorca because I love reading and witches. 

An evil ex-workmate brought me these as an additional Christmas present when I still worked with her. I think she was trying to make a statement about me but fuck her, because I think they're totally adorable.

 I think that's everything for now. I'll come back and edit this to add more story to the facts when I haven't been up since 5am and spent 10 hours at work. There's another thing to look forward to. Along with that damn London post.

Much love and goodnight, QoS

Monday 21 October 2013

Witch movie

Halloween is one of my favourite times of year - every year Sister and I dress up, put on a years worth of eyeliner and hand out sweets to sugar-hyped infants while watching horror films and trying to scare the bejeebus out of ourselves. So far, I've avoided this but Sister is scared of zombies so it's easy to freak her out.

This year I'm planning to be Death. Again. The main change is that I'm going to quiz night at a local pub with the girls so I'll miss the handing out sweets portion of the evening. Luckily, Cousin the Younger is taking Nephew to our house to watch toddler friendly scary films (oxymoron?) and do the sweet handing out because Sister is also scared of people in Halloween masks. Sister is scared of everything fun.

After quiz night, I'll be heading back home and partaking in a few more drinks while watching as many witch movies as I can before I fall asleep on the sofa. I like this plan.

It's my birthday on the 28th and because Cousin the Oldest is on holiday, I couldn't get that time off work so I've booked the 31st and 1st off. So on Halloween afternoon, before all the festivities, I am going to bake some delicious cakes - some for the girls and some for Sister, Cousin the Younger and Nephew to snack on. I will then watch witch films until I really must start to get ready for quiz night. One of the bonuses to having to get up at 5am for work is that it carries over to when I'm not at work and I get loads done before Sister even surfaces to start her day.

Hope you all have a Happy Halloween (even though I'm 10 days early!)

Much love, QoS

Friday 18 October 2013

Sleepy Hollow

I am obsessed with Sleepy Hollow. The film and the tv show but this is going to be about the tv show.

Seriously, you need to be watching this. Tom Mison is the sassy man out of time, Ichabod Crane, and I love everything about his acting choices. Also, him in general.

Nicole Beharie is the perfect foil to Ichabod in Abbie Mills, the final member of the pair destined to stop the apocalypse.

I can't even stop raving about how much I love this programme. As soon as I get home and watch it for the third time, I will attempt to give a well-rounded review that doesn't just consist of 'OMG JFC ASDFGHJKL THIS IS THE BEST TV SHOW EVER TO TV SHOW'. I make no promises, but I will try.

Much love, QoS